Srinagar: Rolling fingers gently over the pointed and branched antlers, put at a display on the entrance of their grandparent’s home, two siblings Muafiq and Faizan often cherish the majesty of unseen red deer. Septuagenarian Mohammad Yousuf Wani, their grandfather recalls how occasionally ,’Kashmir’s prized animal’ used to stray in as close to their premises, while turning nostalgic on the mention of the animal. A spectre, Muafiq and Faizan in their early twenties have never been able to witness unlike their grandfather at their ancestral house in Barji Harwan, a small hamlet situated at a stone’s throw from Dachigam National Park, harbouring the world famous species of Himalayan red deer.
The Hangul or Kashmir stag (Cervus elaphus hanglu) is the only subspecies of European red deer found in India.
Its limited distribution and small population makes it a worlds critically endangered species.
With drastic decline in the numbers over the years, the risk of its extinction looms large. IUCN Red Data Book, which records the list of species facing the risk of extinction, has declared this state animal along with Markhor and Chiru found in the himalyan ranges of J&K as most endangered species.
Dwindling Numbers:
Pegged once at around 5000 in 1900 A.D, the population of Hangul has saw a constant fall over the decades. Counting carried out in 2017 by the department of wild life and protection in collaboration with other agencies, puts the number of Himalyan red deer as low as 182.
Annual Hangul counting started since 2004 using scientific methods estimates the population at 197(2004), 153 (2006), 127 (2008), 175 (2009), 218(2011),186(2015) and 197(2017).
Hangul Population trends in Dachigam Landscape, 2004 to 2017.
Though the last two decades have shown some stability in the population estimates, the low numbers put the state animal of J&K at the constant risk of extinction.
Fragmented habitat, Inbreeding issues, poaching and poor female-fawn ratio are the main concerns faced by this unique species of Himalayan Red Deer.
In 2004, sex ratio was 19 males per 100 females which dwindled between 21 males in 2006, 22 males in 2008, 26 males in 2009, 29 males in 2011, 22 males in 2015 to 16 males per 100 females in 2017.
Fragmented Habitat and Inbreeding depression:
Once widely distributed in the mountains of Kashmir with the small population outside J&K in the Chamba district of Himachal Pardesh , the Hangul distribution range has drastically declined , confining the animal to 141 sq Km Dachigam national park only.
“Hangul is a long ranging animal. Earlier Its traditional habitat stretched between Kishtwar to Gurez . Unfortunately this corridor connectivity has been lost to many biotic factors, leading to the inbreeding depression ”, says Dr Khursheed Ahmad Scientist and Head Division of Wild Life Sciences SKAUST Kashmir, while deliberating on the eminent causes of the decline in Hangul population.
“Disconnectivity among the main set of population in Dachigam and the adjoining protected areas like Wangat, Shikargarh etc leaves the chances of genetic spread at ebb. Isolated population leads to the lack of population progression” adds Dr Khursheed.

Female Fawn ratio and predation:
In 2004, female fawn ratio was 23 fawns per 100 females .There were 9 fawns per 100 females in 2006, which remained unchanged in 2008. Then after the ratio swung from 27 fawns in 2009, 25 fawns in 2011, 14 fawns in 2015 to 19 fawns in 2017, reveals the annual census exercises carried by the Department of Wild Life Protection, Jammu and Kashmir.
Very low fawn survival is attributed as the main cause of poor fawn female ratio.
In addition, Biotic factors, fairly good population of local dogs as wel as belonging to Security forces camped in the area, harsh winters, natural predation by leopard and fox and the coinciding of movement of livestock with the fawning season are other major factors affecting the fawn survival, explains Dr Khursheed.
Conservation measures and some hope:
According to the renowned wildlife conservationist, M.K Ranjitsinh in her famous book ‘A life with wild life’, Dachigam national park is only hope for the critically endangered Hangul. “Shifting of the sheep breeding farm from the national park has a been a big step in conserving the whatever population has been left now” says the expert in his book.
“Shifting the sheep farm would result in more natural fodder for the animal” says an employee working for past 20 years in the department. “Proper feeding of the animals during winters in the form of dried Salix leaves and salt licks, when the prized species normally face scarcity of the fodder has also helped in maintaining the numbers for last few decades” claims, the employee.
Establishment of 5 acre breeding centre in shikargarh Tral is another big project for improving the population of Hangul through In-Situ breeding.
However, there is still a large way to go, adds Dr Khursheed. “Establishment of corridor connectivity between mainland Dachigam and adjoining relic protected areas, Conservative breeding programme , re-introduction programme and elaborate research are needed to increase the population of Hangul”, opines Dr Khusheed.
As the fate of world precious Kashmir stag still hangs in balance, Kashmir’s top wild life officer , Rashid Yahya Naqash, Regional Wild Life Warden Kashmir has a message for public on the eve of wild life week celebrated annually from October 1 to October 7.”The department seeks cooperation from public at large to save and conserve the wild life especially the priced Hangul ”, appeals Rashid.
Amidst the efforts and appeal, the likes of Muafiq and Faizan in particular the nature lovers long for the smooth and durable survival of the Kashmir’s pride.